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E-commerce customer experience best practices.

Published on October 2, 2024
Updated on October 2, 2024
10 minute read

It may seem like a small part of the e-commerce customer experience, but providing excellent customer service is essential for retaining customers and will help to create an atmosphere where your customers feel valued and appreciated. When customers know that their needs are being taken care of in a timely manner, they're more likely to stick around and do business with you again in the future – which is exactly what any successful e-commerce business wants.

What is e-commerce customer experience?

Ecommerce customer experience is a term that refers to the overall customer journey potential customers take when interacting with an online store. From their initial discovery of your website, to researching products and checking out, it's critical for e-commerce businesses to create an enjoyable and seamless experience throughout this process. 


Ultimately, creating an enjoyable e-commerce customer experience is key to any online store's success. It's important to remember that shoppers nowadays have plenty of choices available, so you'll want to make sure your website stands out from the competition by delivering a streamlined shopping journey every time. That means that having an expansive catalog, competitive prices, and good offers just isn’t enough anymore. A sizeable amount of customers are prepared to pay more at a store that offers a good experience. 


It’s important to always keep track of what your experience is like by monitoring metrics and analyzing data. This will allow you to make any future changes more impactful and more aligned with the preferences of your customers. With some careful planning and attention to detail, you can provide customers with an exceptional online experience that will keep them coming back again and again.


What is a customer journey?

A customer journey is important to think about when creating a good customer experience. Basically it is the path a customer takes when considering, purchasing, and using your product or service. It's the experience they have while engaging with you over time - from initial awareness to conversion and beyond. This journey could include logging into your e-commerce website, browsing products, buying something, and then returning for more purchases or support. The customer journey should be an enjoyable experience that leaves users feeling satisfied and happy with their purchase. 


It’s important to think of each step of the journey as an individual interaction between your brand and a customer. Every single touchpoint along the way can shape their overall impression of your business, so it’s crucial to ensure that each one provides value in some way. A well-crafted customer journey should be designed to create a sense of ease and efortlessness so that the customer can glide through the journey without bumps or hiccups. 


The most successful customer journeys often involve personalization, as people are more likely to engage with content tailored to their interests and behaviors. This means considering the individual needs and preferences of each user in order to deliver the most relevant experiences that will keep them coming back for more. This is done by analyzing heatmaps and behaviour patterns as well as anecdotal data such as surveys and reviews.


By understanding your customers’ journey, you can craft meaningful interactions at every step and ultimately drive better results for your business - from increased sales to improved loyalty. 


How does it relate to user experience?

In retail and e-commerce all user experience is also customer but not all customer experience is user experience. As a component of the overarching customer experience it is focused on the customer as a user of your app or website. 


User experience is extremely important and bad UX design can make or break your whole e-commerce customer experience or, in the best case scenario, severely detract from it. These problems can be as innocuous as your customers having to repeatedly close a chatbot window on every subpage they visit to having whole sections filled with fluff that make the journey slower and bombard the customer with unwanted, unneeded and unnecessary information.


In the worst case scenario bad UX can make your site unusable by creating an unnavigable mess that will sooner see your customers go to your competitors than complete a purchase with you. 


Good UX enhances and improves the customer experience and makes it so that the customer has no issues or uncertainties when using your app or website. If no questions or problems are present, the customer will finish their journey faster and more efficiently, increasing the chances of completing a purches and becoming a returning customer.


Phases of the e-commerce process.

A lot of businesses will think of the e-commerce experience as beginning and ending with the process of purchase. This mindset and viewpoint severely hinders and limits the ability of the retailer to create an enjoyable e-commerce customer experience by limiting the pool of changes they can make. 


When painting a picture of the ideal e-commerce customer experience, it goes beyond simply the point of purchase as that's just one element and should not be treated as the defining measure or factor. The whole journey should be taken into consideration when attempting to create an enjoyable customer experience. This includes everything from before the moment they land on your website to even after their purchase is complete. 


That's why we'll take a look at the three phases of the e-commerce experience, what they entail, and why they're important to you as a business and to your customers. By understanding the different aspects of this experience you are able to critically think about the complete picture of your service, and you can start to see where your strengths and weaknesses lie, as well as identify what areas need improvement.


The experience before purchase.

The pre-purchse experience is all the small steps that take a customer from first hearing about your brand, finding and browsing your website to being ready to buy. This phase can be broken down into four main elements: exposure, research, comparison, and consideration. In the latter stages it can overlap with the actual shopping part of the customer experience.


Exposure is when they find out about your brand, when they are exposed to it, and when they want to find your website to see what you have to offer. This part is important because it’s the first impression you make on the potential customer. Research involves looking at product specifications, reading reviews and getting advice from peers. Comparison requires customers to compare similar products, prices and features so they know they're making an informed decision. Finally, consideration is when customers weigh their options before choosing which one works best for them. If the customer is not satisfied with these steps then they will not make a purchase. It’s as simple as that. 


The pre-purchase phase of the e-commerce customer experience might seem like it takes a lot of time or effort but it’s actually what helps you build a loyal customer base. When customers feel like they’re informed and getting the best option they’ll be more likely to complete a purchase, keep coming back to your store, and recommend you to people around them. So don't forget to provide everything they need during the pre-purchase phase of their journey. 


The experience during shopping and purchase.

This is the part of the shopping experience that people most often think about when you say “e-commerce customer experience”. This is when potential customers navigate your site, search for products, get informed on them, add them to cart, and, in the end, proceed to checkout. 


You need to make sure that the customer can easily find what they’re looking for and if it’s not available that they don’t need to struggle to find alternatives. For example, if a green shirt is not available in their size, immediately offer them a yellow one. If they add an item to their cart, offer them an item that matches the first one or that has often been bought together. If a person is buying paints for their hobby they will also likely need brushes as well. Why not save them a search?


Also, make sure that checkout is as simple as possible. This is the part where you customers are the most ‘vulnerable’ and a confusing and convoluted checkout process is not going to make them any more sure of wanting to purchase something from you.


It’s your job to make this process as seamless and intuitive for those customers as possible. The better the customer experience, the more likely they are to complete their purchase with you. So if you want to have a successful e-commerce site, it pays - literally - to focus on making sure your visitors' shopping journey is smooth sailing. 


The experience after purchase. 

A lot of companies like to forget about the customer after they’ve completed a purchase. While it’s good work to have gotten them this far there’s still more to be done concerning their experience in the post-purchase phase. This includes everything from notifications about their purchase, questions about their experience, feedback queries and other things of that nature. 


The post-purchase experience is important to the customer because it gives final confirmation on their purchase and the assurance that the product they’ve bought is shipped and on it’s way to the customer. It is important to you because here the customer should be asked to give feedback on their experience, to let you know what you’re doing well and what you’re doing wrong. This phase isn’t over after that because days or weeks later, after the customer has received their product, you can ask them to give you feedback on the product itself. This way you can assign a satisfaction scale, like a 5 star rating system, to your products and if it’s high enough it might entice other customers to buy that same product over something your competitors offer. 


A good post-purchase e-commerce experience can also lead to being recommended more because your customers get the feeling you care about them as individuals and about their opinion. This adds additional perceived value to your brand and your service.


Why is the e-commerce customer experience important?

The answer to this question is obvious, but there is more to it than what’s on the surface level. Taking a look back at what we talked about in the phases of the e-commerce customer experience, businesses tend to focus on the middle phase because they think that’s the only one that brings in profit. Ofcourse you want to keep the customer happy and make their experience easy when shopping, it’s a no brainer. But it’s important to make yourself known, seen, and easily available. Because if the customer can’t reach you, they can’t buy. If the customer has a terrible experience after purchase, they will not come back afterwards. Short-term earnings are not good for a business.


Just like things may not be obvious when talking about why phases are important, the benefits and importance of good customer experience may also not be obvious. Apart from profit there’s customer loyalty, perceived value of your brand, the word of mouth that happy customers create. Even if their shopping experience was not perfect they may still be extremely satisfied with you on the whole because of a good customer support experience. Everything matters and everything adds value. So, let’s take a look at the three main benefits of a good e-commerce customer experience.


Customer loyalty.

Why is brand loyalty important? When customers are loyal to a company, they don't just buy their products - they come back again and again. This repeat business helps a company stay profitable and remain competitive in an ever-changing marketplace. Plus, it allows businesses to build relationships with their customers that result in better connection and understanding of what drives them to purchase from one brand over another. No matter the size or scope of your e-commerce business, having loyal customers can be invaluable. In short, a business that’s loyal to its customers produces loyal customers.


Customer loyalty also can create a positive feedback loop because of the relationship built with the customers themselves. Because they have a connection with your brand they are more likely to fill out questionnaires, polls and surveys. Also, loyal, emotionally connected customers are the first ones to speak out if something is truly wrong with your service because they care and they want to keep having that relationship with your brand. This creates an abundance of data that can be used to further improve your e-commerce customer experience or to even stop changes that might damage it. 


It’s easy to see how invaluable customer loyalty can be for your business. It keeps your existing customers, creates a foundation for growth, quickly provides you with large volumes of anecdotal data, provides damage limitation, and much, much more. 


Perceived value.

Perceived value is a concept used to describe the perceived worth of a product or service from the perspective of the customer. It’s not about the actual cost of a product or service, but rather what customers think it’s worth to them. In short, perceived value is what you get out of something – whether that be money, convenience, quality, or status – compared to what you put in. That means it can vary from person to person and situation to situation.  So, don’t be surprised if two people have different perceptions of the same product. After all, it’s all about what you make of it. That said, businesses should always strive to maximize their customer's perceived value – that way everyone gets the most out of their experience.


Perceived value is like an invisible currency, and it's one of the most important aspects of a product or service. When customers perceive something to be valuable, they are more likely to invest in it and enjoy their experience. The perceived benefit can help improve sales, create stronger customer relationships, and ensure brand loyalty. If you feel like this doesn’t make sense then you can just look at the foundation of business. There is not a single country in the world that doesn’t use fiat money. The gold and silver standard do not exist, so the value of a certain currency is based solely on perceived value. 


For your business, a good e-commerce customer experience increases perceived value because the customer sees you as extremely competent, accommodating, and efficient. People don’t go to buy at exclusive stores just because of the product. The perceived value of not just the commodity, but also the service, where every customer is treated almost like royalty, means that people are willing to spend more and return more often. 


Word of mouth.

While it might seem like an outdated concept in advertising and marketing, word of mouth is more important than ever. We have the internet to thank for this resurgence in person-to-person recommendations. While old-fashioned word of mouth is important, the internet has brought millions of people into close communication. Now more than ever people will avoid searching for a product or service and then doing their own research, but will just type in, for example, “moccasins Reddit” where thousands upon thousands of enthusiasts will give them recommendations based on their own experiences. 


People still look at reviews but with often review bombing or inflation via bots it’s sometimes hard to know which reviews are genuine. That’s why talking to a real person, albeit via the internet, and getting their firsthand experience with a product or service can be the difference between browsing and buying.


What does a good e-commerce customer experience look like?

A good e-commerce customer experience should be seamless and enjoyable. It should involve little to no effort for customers to find what they need, make their purchase in a few clicks, and have the product arrive promptly without any delays. Customers should feel valued throughout their shopping journey and have access to helpful resources if needed. The checkout process should be simple and straightforward with clear communication about payment options, delivery times, and estimated arrival dates. Above all, the customer's trust should be earned by providing an inclusive, secure platform where their data is protected from malicious attacks. All of these efforts contribute towards cultivating relationships that last while creating an unforgettable experience for shoppers.  


Apart from that, e-commerce customer experience should also focus on delighting customers. This could include offering personalized recommendations, providing rewards for loyalty and purchases, or simply connecting with customers in a meaningful way. A great customer experience isn't just about delivering what’s expected – it’s about going the extra mile to surprise and exceed expectations. You want your customers to actively think about how easy their journey was. You don’t want them to just walk away without objections, you want them to finish their shopping experience and say: “Wow, that was so easy!”


How can you measure e-commerce customer experience?

In order to create a good or excellent e-commerce customer experience, you first need to know what you’re doing wrong and what your customers think of the experience you provide. To do this, you need to monitor certain metrics and know how to interpret them. There is a myriad of different ways to approach measuring and grading your customer experience. 


While vital, many businesses shy away from trying to rate their experience. The issue that you would face if you tried to assign a rating to the experience you offer is that the data is mostly anecdotal, hard to quantify, easily misinterpreted, and difficult to create objective surveys to extract. That’s where trusted partners like Transcom come in. Our job is to apply our decades of experience and apply it in such a way as to easily and efficiently extract valuable and valid data and interpret it in an actually helpful way. So, how do we actually go about trying to measure your customer experience?


Net Promoter Score.

Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a measure of customer satisfaction with their experience in e-commerce. It’s like a report card for how well you know your customers and if they're happy with your service. NPS helps you see what customers think about your product or service so you can make improvements where necessary. It’s a great way to track customer satisfaction and loyalty over time.


For an e-commerce business, it’s all about providing a great customer experience that customers can rate on a scale of 0-10. If your customers are giving you high scores, then you know your store is succeeding in providing the best e-commerce customer experience possible. And if they aren’t happy? You have work to do. It might be time to revamp your product offerings, update your website design, or hone in on better customer service practices. Either way, NPS gives you the insight you need to make sure your business keeps up with the ever-changing standards of the e-commerce world. 


Some other benefits of NPS are that it allows you to quickly get feedback from their customers, enabling them to make changes where necessary. It also shows business owners which areas they need to focus on in order to improve customer experience. Lastly, using the NPS score is a great way for businesses to keep track of what works and what doesn’t – helping them make informed decisions about their e-commerce strategies. 


That’s why NPS is such an important metric for any e-commerce business looking to measure its success. With the right data and insights, your store can stay ahead of the curve and provide your customers with the best possible experience.


Customer Satisfaction.

Customer satisfaction (CSAT) is based on a survey that asks customers to rate their overall satisfaction on a scale from 1 to 10. A high CSAT score indicates that customers are happy with their experience, while a low CSAT score could indicate areas of improvement in terms of service, product quality, website usability, etc.


CSAT, while very similar to NPS, has some key differences. Where NPS is used to track long-term swings in customer satisfaction, CSAT is used for more short-term and immediate effects. It is important to combine the two because some decisions may impact CSAT negatively while still giving you a positive NPS score in the long run. 


It is very often used because of that ability to find short-term problems, and because they allow you to take action quickly, not having to wait until it’s too late. You might ask which one is better, NPS or CSAT, but there is no reason to choose one over the other. In fact, they should be used in conjunction to create as detailed a picture of your customer’s satisfaction as possible. There is no such thing as a too-diverse arsenal.


Customer Effort Score.

Another way of rating your e-commerce customer experience is by using Customer Effort Score (CES). We’ve been talking a bit about the customer journey, which is all the steps that the customer has to take to end up buying your product. The fewer the steps, and the simpler they are, the better. 


Again, it is similar to Customer Satisfaction and Net Promoter Score because it is also based on a survey. The difference is that customers don’t rate how satisfied they are with your service but rather how easy or difficult it was to navigate your service or use your product. Apart from that, they are often required to explain their scores and give context to their decisions. In the end, you know if your business is low-effort or high-effort and, more importantly, why. 


This metric is important because, while not as encompassing as Customer Satisfaction or Net Promoter Score, it can pinpoint exact pain points in your customer journey. Your customers will, quite literally, tell you what it is that needs changing and improvement. Because of this Customer Effort Score cannot be left out when it comes to rating your e-commerce customer experience.


Support ticket trends. 

In the vein of identifying specific pain points - analyzing your support ticket trends is a great way to get an idea of how customers are feeling about their interactions with your business. Support tickets often provide insight into problems customers have encountered when using your product or service. 


By tracking these issues you can identify existing weaknesses in the e-commerce customer experience and work on improving them. You may also find unexpected opportunities where customers are having positive experiences with certain aspects of your business – this information can inform decisions around which areas to focus on in order to drive customer growth and loyalty.



Tracking your support ticket trends over time will also provide you with valuable data about how the customer experience is evolving. You’ll be able to see which issues are recurring, which changes have been effective, and where customers may need additional help or support. This information can be used to inform improvements throughout the business process  – from product design and user experience to customer service strategies. 


Analyzing support ticket trends is an invaluable tool when it comes to measuring e-commerce customer experience. With this data, you’ll gain insights into what your customers need from your business and how best to deliver it – helping you stay ahead of the competition and ensure a consistent, positive customer experience.



Sometimes customers might not actively think about the service you provide or the changes that you've made to it. That's where surveys come in.  Surveys are a great way to solicit feedback and measure customer experience in the e-commerce realm.  By taking the time to ask customers what they think of your service, you can get an accurate picture of how satisfied visitors are with their shopping experience.


Surveys can be used in a variety of ways to measure specific aspects of th customer experience. You can use them to evaluate the ease of navigation within your store, the quality and accuracy of product descriptions, the speed at which orders are fulfilled, and other important factors that affect customer satisfaction. Additionally, you can use surveys to solicit feedback on new features or promotional campaigns so that you can better understand if they’re meeting customer needs. 


Using surveys is one of the best ways to stay up-to-date on customer experiences. They provide valuable insights into areas that may need improvement and help you make informed decisions on how to better serve customers. So, take a few minutes to send out those surveys and get the data you need.


Social media response.

Social media response is a great tool to measure your e-commerce customer experience. People always want their voices to be heard, and their opinions taken into consideration. Because of that not only are customers leaving reviews, ratings, and comments directly on your product pages but they're also sharing their experiences online via social media. By keeping track of these conversations, it’s easy to measure how satisfied (or dissatisfied) your customers are with their experiences. 


Having access to this valuable data can help you identify any specific issues and adjust your e-commerce customer experience accordingly. Start by monitoring social channels such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram for mentions of your brand or product. Be sure to look out for any positive comments or feedback that customers have left. You can then use this data to inform decisions about how best to improve the customer experience. 


Additionally, you can use the data to create detailed customer profiles and segment customers into different categories. This will help you keep track of their preferences and better understand which areas need improvement in order to meet customer needs. It is also worthwhile to do a bit of social media management while you're at it and take time to respond to and get in touch with people who left negative comments. This way you're showing a personal touch and can possibly turn a bad situation into gold.


What are some best practices for e-commerce customer experience?

When it comes to e-commerce customer experience, there's no one-size-fits-all approach. But there are some best practices you can use to make sure your store provides the best experience possible for your shoppers. From providing top-notch product descriptions to creating a seamless checkout process, these tips will help you make sure your customers are getting the best possible service.


This is not specific advice, and there is no one-size-fits-all solution to problems in CX. These guidelines should be your mantra, and guiding light throughout your business endeavors. Things to keep in mind whenever you’re making a change in your customer journey or thinking of implementing something new. 


Evaluate yourself honestly. 

A great e-commerce experience can be the difference between an unhappy customer and one who comes back time and again to shop from your store. Evaluating how well you’re delivering your customers a smooth, enjoyable shopping experience will go a long way toward developing loyalty and increasing sales. Especially if you take off the rose-colored glasses and start being honest with yourself. While you might be emotionally connected to some decisions they should be done away with the moment they prove not useful. 


Start by asking yourself: what do I want my customers to feel when they shop with me? Do they have all the information they need? Are their questions answered quickly? Is it easy for them to complete their purchase? If not, it’s time to take a closer look at your e-commerce customer experience and make improvements. 


From ensuring that your website is optimized for mobile devices to making sure the checkout process is simple and secure, there are plenty of ways to give customers a great e-commerce experience. Once you’ve identified areas of improvement, it’s time to get creative. Experiment with different layouts or include helpful resources like product videos or testimonials. The better the experience you provide your customers, the more likely they are to stay engaged and become loyal fans of your business. 


It’s not enough to rely solely on customer feedback. Evaluating your business is an important part of any retail strategy- it allows you to identify where improvements can be made and create solutions that will ensure a top-notch customer experience.


Gather. Compile. Analyze.

Knowing what customers are searching for, where they’re coming from, and how long they stay on the website can help to inform decisions about design, navigation, product placement, and more. With data insights, e-commerce stores can give their customers an enjoyable shopping experience that keeps them coming back for more. So if you want to keep your online shoppers happy, make sure you’re listening closely to the data. It could be the key to unlocking the perfect customer experience. 


Data can also help you anticipate customer needs by giving an understanding of their current preferences, behaviors, and interests. By using data and analytics tools, retailers can get an accurate picture of how customers move through their website or app and which features they use more often than others. With this knowledge, retailers can offer personalized product recommendations or promotions tailored to each individual’s tastes and habits, creating a better overall e-commerce customer experience. 


Ultimately, gathering and analyzing data is essential for any retailer looking to stay ahead of the competition in today's competitive landscape. By leveraging customer data effectively, online stores can provide shoppers with the best possible user experience - one that keeps them coming back. It’s an investment worth making, and it could be the difference between success and failure in e-commerce.


Meet your customers where they are.

With e-commerce being such a big part of retail, it's essential that businesses make sure they're providing their customers with a great e-commerce customer experience. This means offering them options for how to contact your business, making sure all their questions are answered quickly and efficiently, and utilizing tools like chatbots or AI-driven customer service to provide speedy support. 


Meeting customers on their preferred channels ensures they're getting the best experience possible for the least amount of effort, which in turn leads to increased customer loyalty and more successful business outcomes.  What's more, customers increasingly expect businesses to provide multi-channel support, so it's important that businesses meet this customer expectation and make sure they have an effective way of providing service across all channels. 


By taking the time to understand how customers prefer to communicate with your business and meeting them on those channels, you'll be able to create a much better e-commerce customer experience that leads to greater satisfaction and loyalty. If you want to take it to the next level you can step up from a multichannel approach to an omnichannel one to create a truly seamless experience.


So when it comes to retail, don't forget the importance of providing an excellent e-commerce customer experience. It's essential for success in today's competitive market.


Use AI to help automation.

Automation helps reduce costs and streamlines the entire process, which allows retailers to offer a more tailored e-commerce customer experience. AI gives businesses the ability to predict customer needs and behaviors and provides insights into things like product recommendations and personalization features. With automated solutions, retailers can keep track of customers’ buying patterns in real-time, giving them an edge over competitors who don't have access to this data. 


Additionally, AI-powered automation frees up resources that can be used to focus on other areas of the business such as marketing or customer service. AI can help automate tasks such as data entry and product tagging, reducing the need for manual labor in certain areas. All of these benefits result in a more efficient and profitable retail operation. 


Overall, the use of AI-driven automation in e-commerce is an important tool for retailers looking to improve their customer experience. By utilizing automated solutions, retailers can cut costs while providing customers with a personalized shopping experience that keeps them coming back time and time again.  With AI-powered automation, there’s no limit to what retailers can achieve when it comes to creating a great e-commerce customer experience


Ready to get started with AI?

Take a look at our AI solutions and advisory services.

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Invest in quality bots.

The use of quality bots in e-commerce customer experience is essential for retail businesses. By utilizing chatbots, retailers can provide a fast and efficient response to customers’ questions, inquiries, and orders. This can not only reduce the time needed for customer service but also help to improve customer satisfaction and loyalty.


Chatbots are able to provide customers with up-to-date information about products, services, and promotions. For instance, they can show the availability of items in stock, enable users to create their own accounts, or even allow them to track an order’s status. By providing this kind of convenience, chatbots can help businesses increase their sales and build brand loyalty.


Furthermore, bots can help reduce wait times by immediately providing answers or connecting customers with the right department or person to handle their requests. Quality bots also offer automated features that save time and money while delivering an exceptional level of service every time. This allows customers to stay informed and updated on special offers, promotions, product launches, and upcoming events without having to constantly check the website or contact customer service. Most importantly, using quality bots provides retail stores with more control over their sales process as well as giving them access to valuable data about their customers. All of these benefits make quality bots a key part of any e-commerce customer experience.


Personalize customer results. 

When it comes to delivering the ultimate e-commerce customer experience, personalized results are key. By showing shoppers products or services that have been tailored to their individual needs, you can increase engagement and even boost sales. It's all about giving your customers what they want - fast. 


First off, a personalized approach helps to give customers a sense of connection with your brand. When they see items that relate to their interests or preferences, they feel more comfortable and confident in their journey through your store – leading to higher conversion rates. Also, when it comes to creating an unforgettable shopping experience for each customer, personalization is essential. Whether it’s recommendations based on previous purchases or an exclusive sale offer tailored just for them, providing shoppers with a personalized experience increases their likelihood of returning. 


Finally, personalization helps to build trust between you and your customers. When they see that you’ve gone out of your way to provide them with relevant recommendations or offers, they’ll come to view you as reliable and trustworthy – increasing loyalty in the long run. By creating content tailored to suit each individual need, you can create an unforgettable journey for every shopper - one that will keep them coming back for more.


How to improve your e-commerce customer experience?

It's no secret that providing customers with good experiences is a key part of success for any e-commerce business. That's why it's important to make sure you're creating the best possible customer experience on your webstore. But how can you do this? If you're already using the best practices mentioned above you're on the right track, but there's always room for more improvement. 


In this blog section, we'll explore different strategies to help you create an even better e-commerce customer experience. We'll dive into the nitty-gritty of how to provide customers with a memorable and hassle-free shopping experience, from the moment they visit your store to when they leave with their purchases.  We'll also touch on ways to make sure your customers come back for more. 


Become data-driven and customer-focused.

When it comes to retail, being data-driven and customer-focused is the key to success. As consumers become more accustomed to shopping online, it's essential for retailers to deliver excellent e-commerce customer experiences that build loyalty and boost sales. To achieve this, businesses need access to data about their customers, so they can understand their individual needs and preferences in order to deliver personalized content and services that keep them coming back.


Data can help businesses make decisions about everything from what products they should stock to how they should market their offerings. By analyzing customer behavior patterns, businesses can better target their promotions or adjust pricing based on demand for certain items. This allows them to quickly adapt and respond to changes in customer sentiment. They can also use data to develop customer segmentations so they can deliver tailored experiences that are more likely to result in purchases.


Data-driven strategies also enable businesses to optimize their online stores for a better user experience. By understanding what customers want and how they interact with the store, retailers can make improvements such as simplifying navigation or tweaking product descriptions to drive conversions. Additionally, data can be used to improve shipping times and services, as well as provide in-depth insights about customer actions - like abandoned carts - so problems can be identified and solutions implemented quickly.


Ask your customers.

When it comes to e-commerce customer experience, there's one key thing you need to do: listen. Asking for and listening to your customers' opinions is essential in retail. We already talked about KPIs and metrics which are mostly connected to anecdotal data and opinions, but if you needed more proof, here it is.  


First off, your customers are the ones making the purchases, so their feedback matters. By asking for customer feedback, you can learn more about what they like or dislike about a product or service offering. This information can then be used to improve current offerings and create new products or services that meet their needs better. 


Second, gathering customer perspectives helps build trust and loyalty between you and your customers. When they know that their thoughts are valued by your business, it makes them feel appreciated as well as heard. And that kind of trust and loyalty can go a long way. 


Finally, customer feedback can provide valuable insights about your competitors. By staying in the know about what other companies are doing in terms of their e-commerce customer experience, you can take steps to make sure yours stands out from the crowd. 


Asking for and listening to your customers' opinions is an important part of any successful retail business. Not only does it help you build relationships with customers, but it also gives you valuable information to use when creating new products or services. So don't forget: when it comes to e-commerce customer experience, be sure to ask.


Be available.

This one is a bit of a no-brainer that is still, for some reason, ignored. To have a successful e-commerce business, it's essential to make sure that you are available for your customers when they need help. There is nothing more frustrating than finding yourself in a retail situation where the customer service team is unavailable, or worse yet, unhelpful. 


Having an easily-accessible and knowledgeable customer service team can go a long way in fostering trust between your brand and your customers – which is absolutely critical for any kind of successful enterprise. Customers should always be able to reach out with their questions, comments, or concerns quickly and receive helpful answers without any hassle. Being available to answer questions or resolve issues quickly will create a sense of loyalty and appreciation from your customers that cannot be replaced. Sometimes this can prove difficult, especially when expanding into new markets with foreign languages. Thankfully the beauty of modern tech is that it has a solution in the shape of Transcom’s Automated Translation


Time to go digital.

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Simplify the customer journey.

The success of any e-commerce venture depends on the customer experience it provides. Simplifying your customer journey is essential for optimizing the shopping experience and driving conversions. By streamlining the checkout process, providing clear navigation, and ensuring a seamless transition from product discovery to delivery, retailers can create a more enjoyable shopping experience that keeps customers coming back again and again. 


Another benefit of simplifying the customer journey is reduced friction when making purchases. The fewer clicks required to complete checkout or find desired products, the less likely customers are to abandon their cart due to frustration or confusion. During peak times like holidays and sales events, reducing friction and peak management becomes even more important as long wait times can deter customers from completing their purchases altogether. Creating an intuitive user interface that allows customers to easily move from one step of the purchase process to the next can increase conversions and build a loyal customer base. 


Finally, simplifying the customer journey makes it easier for retailers to track user behavior and optimize their shopping experiences. By reducing clicks and streamlining navigation, merchants can quickly identify areas within the customer journey where customers are dropping off or experiencing delays. This valuable data can then be used to create targeted improvements that drive conversions and increase lifetime value.


Focus on the weaknesses of online retail.

The greatest weakness that online retail has is the fact that you can’t try anything on. Size, fit, and style are problems that have been plaguing e-commerce from it’s inception. That’s why augmented reality (AR) technology is so valuable in the retail space – it provides customers with an enhanced e-commerce experience by allowing them to visualize products before they buy. AR size and fit technology adds an extra layer of convenience and accuracy to online shopping, as people can now make more informed purchases from the comfort of their own homes.


Not only does this technology save time, but it also reduces the likelihood of returns due to incorrect sizing or poor fit. With AR size and fit solutions, shoppers get a much better idea of what they're buying before they commit to making a purchase. This not only boosts consumer confidence but also helps to build brand loyalty with customers who appreciate the accuracy and convenience of AR tools.


By creating a more enjoyable shopping experience for their consumers, brands can increase sales and decrease returns. This is an invaluable asset that retailers should take advantage of in order to stay competitive and maximize customer satisfaction. So if you're looking for a way to improve your e-commerce customer experience, then look no further than AR size and fit technology. It’s sure to be a perfect fit.


Think about mobile. 

If you're an e-commerce business, there's no denying the importance of customer experience. And with more and more shoppers using their mobile devices to browse, buy and review products online, creating a seamless, engaging mobile experience is paramount for success. 


Having an optimized site that looks great on both desktop and mobile helps ensure customers can find what they're looking for quickly and easily. But it takes much more than just having a responsive design. It’s not as simple as just creating a mobile version of your site and that’s it. Mobile usage is completely different than desktop and you have to take into account the specifics of mobile.


Another important element of a great mobile experience is the checkout process. It should be simple, secure, and streamlined. This means fast-loading pages, minimal distractions (such as pop-up ads), and easy payment options – all of which will help to keep customers engaged throughout the entire transaction. 


In conclusion.

Ecommerce and retail are highly complex industries. They encapsulate retail, tech, customer service, and others, thus creating a unique problem to solve when you’re a business owner. Luckily your customers are your greatest asset and keeping them happy, loyal, and engaged in the community of your brand is paramount. Creating an enjoyable e-commerce customer experience is the thing that can make or break a business. As veterans in the game, with decades of experience with over a hundred clients, Transcom is the perfect partner for your CX endeavors. Take a look at what we can offer you in the field of online retail and e-commerce.

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