01 February 2023

How to improve customer experience in a call center

How to improve customer experience in a call center

We talk a lot about how to improve customer experience and why it’s so vital for any business looking to grow and maintain a loyal base. That’s why customer experience is one of the top priorities for brands this year. Companies that prioritize CX are more likely to retain their customers and increase their sales.

In fact, research by American Express has shown that 86% of customers are willing to spend more  if they know they’ll get a better experience. Which makes it a key factor in customer loyalty and satisfaction, and something every CX operation needs to put first.

What is the top priority for your business in the next 5 years

What is customer experience?

Customer experience (CX) is the overall impression a customer has when interacting with a business. It includes all touchpoints from initial contact to after-sales service. CX is an important element of any business and should be taken seriously as it can have a huge impact on customer loyalty, satisfaction and sales. 

By implementing strategies such as the ones in this article, businesses can create a more efficient, personalized and enjoyable environment. This will lead to increased loyalty, satisfaction and sales in the long run. 

Put plainly, customer experience is how your base feels before, during, and after their interaction with your business. It’s how they’ll talk to their friends, family, colleagues, and others, about your brand. And it’s what gets them interested, and keeps them invested in the long run.

How can improving customer experience in a call center impact your business?

Improving customer experience can have a positive impact on any type of business. It can help increase customer loyalty and satisfaction, as well as improve sales and revenue. Additionally, it can create a better working environment for staff, with fewer complaints and increased job satisfaction. 

Finally, businesses that prioritize CX are more likely to attract new customers. Thinking about how to improve customer experience is paramount. All of these factors can help businesses grow and succeed over time. In fact, companies that are rated highly on customer experience (a score of 10/10 for example), see customers spend 140% more and remain loyal for up to 6 years.

What factors can negatively impact customer experience?

Customer experience doesn’t just start the moment someone calls your customer support team. It can be much earlier than that, and the result of the interaction can linger long-term. That means anything from a difficult to reach number, to a long wait time or lack of follow-up on an  inquiry can affect how your business is perceived.

What factors negatively impact customer experience

Other key factors.

  • Inadequate staff training: If staff are not properly trained in customer service, they may not have the skills necessary to provide an exceptional CX.
  • Unclear communication or unprofessionalism: Confusing, unclear, or unprofessional communication can lead to misunderstandings, which create difficult situations to resolve for both the customer and your support teams.
  • Unhelpful technology: If the technology used by a company is difficult to use or slow, it can cause delays and frustration, leading to a negative experience. 
  • Unanswered complaints or insufficient information: If complaints are ignored or not addressed properly, theyre less likely to come back and ask again, which is when they may switch to a competitor. 
  • Disorganized processes: Poorly organized processes or systems can lead to delays and frustrations, resulting in a negative CX. 
  • Lack of follow-up: If customers do not receive follow-up or updates on their inquiries, it can create a negative CX. 

These are just a few factors that could turn your customers off contacting your brand. Maintaining a positive relationship can be hard work, but it’s worth it - so here are some of our top tips on how to improve customer experience in a call center.

How to improve customer experience - in a few simple steps.

Create a customer journey map.

Knowing where to start is always the tricky part. And to know that means data, data, data. Gathering as much information as you can about your customers needs, taking the time to analyze it, such as with Transcom’s CX Advisory team, will empower you to create a map of the CX journey and determine where you can improve.

With this information, you can build strategies, training schemes, and even implement selected  technologies to make the most of your brand’s customer support and use it to take your business to the next level.

Empower your teams.

First, ensure your teams are well-trained. It's important that agents understand the products and services offered, as well as how to effectively communicate with customers. Companies should also invest in quality customer service training programs to ensure staff are equipped with the necessary skills to offer exceptional CX.

By upskilling your employees, you can prepare them for how to deal with frustrated customers, upsell your products or services, and leave happy, loyal consumers on the other end of the phone or chat. This all goes hand in hand with a healthy company culture, strong leadership, and making sure your teams are well taken care of, so they can perform at their best.

Define clear objectives.

Make sure you define objectives for each call for how to improve customer experience. Your teams should know exactly what’s expected of them and how they can contribute to improving customer experience for the brand. And on the other side, customers should be informed of what will happen during their call and what the expected outcome is so they understand what to expect. 

By creating a clear vision, which is based on knowing your audience and what their expectations are, you can more easily adapt your strategies to achieve more, and better. 

Go omni.

More than 50% of traffic in customer support channels comes from mobile, which means the time of using a desktop to write to a support email address are fading from view. If you can provide multiple channels for support, you can meet your users where they’re at, every single time. 

Companies should consider providing different methods of communication such as email, chat, or social media so that they can be easily reachable for help when needed. Consistency is key - making sure that your CX is top notch across all channels is paramount, so your customers won’t feel like they’re losing out if they opt for a different way to contact you.

Top tips for improving customer experience

Implement customer feedback programs.

A simple survey at the end of a call, a quick rating option when a chat finishes - there are many ways you can get direct, honest, and helpful feedback from your users after every single interaction. Training your employees according to this feedback and adapting your strategies is how your CX goes from good to great.

However, remember - some studies have shown that 90% of customers will leave a brand without complaining. With the plethora of options available, switching to a competitor has never been easier, which means you shouldn’t underestimate the power of foresight. Trying to anticipate customer needs and expectations, based on the market and what’s happening in the world, can give you better insights into how to improve your CX.

Invest in tech.

It may not be the case that every available digital solution will help you get the most out of your customer support, but selecting the right technology can seriously streamline the customer experience. Automation tools such as chatbots or virtual assistants can improve response times and provide a more efficient way to handle customer queries. 

If you’d like to find out more about how next-gen solutions can take your business to the next level, check out our Digital Solutions pages and learn more about what Transcom has done for some of the most ambitious brands on earth.

How can data improve your customer experience?

As we mentioned before, data is the key to building a CX strategy, maintaining it, and over time, improving on it. These insights come from collecting information on your base and figuring our what makes them come to your brand and stay for the long haul.

  • Analyzing feedback: By collecting and analyzing customer feedback, businesses can gain insight into what they need and how their CX can be improved. 
  • A/B testing: A/B testing can be used to compare different versions of a product or service to see which one is preferred, allowing businesses to make data-driven decisions. 
  • Measuring customer satisfaction: Businesses can measure satisfaction to identify areas that could be improved, as well as track progress over time. 
  • Analyzing sentiment: By analyzing sentiment and behavior, brands can gain insight into how customers interact with their products and services, allowing them to tailor their CX accordingly. 
  • Tracking complaints: Tracking complaints can provide insight into areas where improvements may be needed. 

In conclusion.

Taking the time to get a closer look at your customer experience can yield nothing but positive results in the long run. Whether it’s by implementing a few simple tips and tricks, or mandating an overhaul of how your operations run, at the end of the day, it’s what will bring your business closer to your customers and keep them loyal to your brand.