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The ultimate guide to inclusion and diversity in the workplace.

Published on October 2, 2024
Updated on October 2, 2024
7 minute read

For a quality employer, cultivating a diverse workforce isn't merely a trending buzzword - it's a business imperative. Why, you ask? Consider this: a multitude of perspectives, backgrounds, and experiences in your team can catapult creativity, foster innovation, and ultimately drive your company's success. But bringing together a mix of individuals is only half the battle. The real challenge lies in creating an environment of inclusion, where every voice is heard, every talent is nurtured, and every individual feels a sense of belonging. 

So, how can you engrain diversity and inclusion into the very fabric of your workplace culture? Buckle up, as, in this article and the articles to come, we dive into the depths of diversity at work and unravel the secrets to an inclusive workplace.

Inclusion and diversity at work.

The first thing that needs to be touched upon is the fact that diversity and inclusion are not one and the same. While inclusion is the ultimate goal, diversity at work is the bedrock upon which you must build. Without good foundations you can’t build a stable house, and having a strong commitment to diversity is that foundation. It is the key ingredient needed to create something truly great.

On the other hand, a diverse workforce isn’t enough. If your business isn’t also inclusive then the diversity built falls apart and shows itself as just an item that needed to be checked. Inclusion focuses on how each individual can contribute in their own unique way, how they can be heard, listened to, and appreciated.

The key here is to avoid creating a diverse workforce for diversity’s sake. Instead create an environment where uniqueness is an asset and is not just needed, but also wanted. 

Necessity of a diverse workforce.

This idea can be split into two parts. The first part is about the social, ethical, and human necessity of diversity at work.The second one is more specifically focused on the business aspect of that necessity. 

Diversity at work is socially necessary as it promotes an environment that respects and values unique experiences and perspectives. A diverse workforce mirrors our global society, promoting understanding and mutual respect among employees of different ethnicities, cultures, genders, ages, religions, etc. This inclusivity allows for a multitude of voices to be heard and recognized, thus encouraging creativity, innovation, and problem-solving from various angles. 

Moreover, diversity in the workplace serves as a powerful tool for social justice, challenging stereotypes and biases, while promoting equality and fairness. Importantly, it also prepares organizations to better serve an increasingly diverse customer base, enhancing business performance and societal impact. Finally, it is our duty to try and create a more equal footing wherever we have the possibility of doing so. 

From a business perspective, fostering a diverse workforce is more than just an ethical imperative - it's a strategic necessity. When diversity is valued in the workplace, companies benefit from a broader range of perspectives, experiences, and ideas, leading to more innovative problem-solving and decision-making.

There is also the matter of recruitment. More and more people are looking to apply to diverse workplaces even if they aren’t necessarily minority members. People are increasingly doing their part to fight for more diversity and inclusion.

A diverse workforce is also more reflective of the diverse markets that businesses serve today. This not only enhances the company's reputation among potential customers but also improves understanding of, and connection with, an increasingly diverse customer base. Diversity then serves as a powerful driver of growth.

Challenges to workplace diversity.

Having an inclusive and diverse workplace is amazing. It fosters innovation, creativity, and a broader range of perspectives. But let's be real, it comes with its own set of challenges. Implementing and maintaining a diverse workforce requires careful planning and consideration. It's like a juggling act, managing different cultural, social, and personal factors alongside the operational aspects of the organization. To tackle these challenges effectively, we need to understand them first. This understanding forms the basis for developing strategies to create a harmonious, inclusive work environment. Next, we’ll be covering some specific challenges towards diversity. These are by no means all forms of prejudice or challenges toward diversity, just a cross section of some of the ones that are most likely to be found in workplaces.

General prejudice.

These biases, often unconscious, can lead to discriminatory behaviors and unfair treatment, creating a hostile environment for those who are different. The issue here is that, while we may try to be as unbiased and inclusive as possible, years of social conditioning have created unconscious biases towards certain people or groups of people. 

The main proof of this phenomena is the situation in orchestras in the United States. Less than 6% of performers were female until the inclusion of blind auditions which helped raise that number to between 30% and 50%. That’s why we have to constantly be aware of our potential unconscious biases and prejudice so that we can strive to eliminate them.


Sexism is one of the hardest forms of discrimination to eliminate due to it being readily dismissed as “jokes” or the victim being “too sensitive”. It creates an unwelcoming and discriminatory environment, discouraging half the population from fully participating. It's important to recognize that diversity goes beyond mere representation.

It involves creating an environment where all employees—regardless of gender—are valued, heard, and empowered to contribute. Sexism hampers this by promoting biased views and unequal treatment, which in turn can lead to decreased productivity and morale, and increased turnover. 


Ableism, the discrimination against individuals with disabilities, poses a significant challenge to diversity in the workplace. This form of discrimination often stems from preconceived notions about what individuals with disabilities can or cannot do, which undeniably limits their career opportunities and hampers the creation of a truly diverse workforce. 

While you may hire without prejudice, ableism can manifest itself in the lack of necessary accommodations for employees with disabilities, making the work environment less inclusive and accessible. To effectively champion diversity at work, it is essential to dismantle ableism and foster an environment that recognizes and values the unique contributions of all employees, regardless of their physical or mental abilities.


Ageism poses a significant challenge to diversity in the workplace, creating an environment that undervalues the contributions of both older and younger employees. A diverse workforce is not merely a collection of various ethnicities, genders, and cultures, but also a mix of diverse age groups, each bringing unique perspectives and experiences. 

On one hand, it can manifest as seeing older employees as slower, unable to adapt or learn. On the other hand it can also show up as dismissing ideas of younger employees as less valuable simply because they come from a younger coworker. Or as dismissing fresh ideas as modern nonsense - ideas like actively working on diversity, equality, and inclusion.

Diffusion of responsibility.

Now we come to perhaps the biggest challenge facing diversity in the workplace. While you may not have prejudices towards any group and you truly care for the inclusion of everyone - you could also contribute to setting back diversity and inclusion through inaction. 

Diffusion of responsibility is the thought that says: “There are other people here. Why should I do something about this?” when witnessing harassment, insults or any other form of unwanted behavior. This often leads to nobody speaking up and things going overlooked and unaddressed.

In conclusion.

Diversity and inclusion present a both moral and business imperative. Making sure your employees or coworkers are truly accepted and treated fairly without dismissing the aspects that make them unique should be the goal of any modern workplace. At Transcom we pride ourselves in fostering diversity, making it one of our core values with We come as we are. This means that if you’re looking for a workplace that respects and celebrates what makes you diverse, you’ve come to the right place.

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