17 February 2023

Enhancing engagement for a leading online travel agency.


The challenge.

Our customer service partnership with this online travel agency started in 2019, when they moved away from their previous vendor due to service dissatisfaction and high agent attrition rates.  

  • We needed to improve their customer service and maintain their telephone, email, and chat service channels across four different languages (English, French, Spanish and German) with a focus on English B1 language level.

  • Our new Zagreb site needed to attract, recruit and train 80 agents. 

  • We needed to help our agents connect to the travel industry brand. The client's monitoring system and reports were based on ineffective KPIs, and lacked transparency.

Our solution.

As with all partnerships, we started by carefully analyzing the client's processes, systems, data, and needs, in order to come up with effective solutions for the issues they were facing. In this instance, that meant working a lot with performance management, effective recruitment and onboarding, and creating a transparent reporting framework that would help us determine if we were succeeding in our approach.

Some of our solutions included:

  1. Assessment - We looked at the client's needs, and using this data, put in place the right KPIs and reports that would lead to effective transparency. 

  2. Connecting with the brand - We invited the client's internal trainers, quality assessors, and leaders, to teach our agents and others (quality leaders and assessors, and trainers) at key training and nesting stages.  

  3. Brand ambassadors -The client's representatives were welcomed to our training sites to act as brand ambassadors. They supported growing agent knowledge of their products, travel industry knowledge, and learning the types of questions a typical customer might ask - including how to effectively use branded language across all communication channels (email, telephone and chat). 

  4. Training in English - Setting English as the project language supported a quicker ramp up of agents. Agents were taught in mixed language groups. It effectively sped up knowledge learning and allowed us to be flexible with the class groupings. All of the client's learning materials were written in English. 

Looking to enhance engagement?

Speak with our CX Advisory team and learn about how enhancing engagement could take your customer journey to new heights.