(In English below)
Transcom ohranja spletno prisotnost v družbenih medijih za komuniciranje s strankami, potencialnimi kandidati in drugimi zainteresiranimi stranmi ter jih obvešča o naših izdelkih in storitvah ter prostih delovnih mestih.
V nadaljevanju (»Obvestilo«) vas želimo obvestiti o obdelavi vaših podatkov v povezavi z našo prisotnostjo na družbenih medijih ter o vaših pravicah v zvezi s tem. Zastopani smo z lastno prisotnostjo na družbenih omrežjih v različnih družbenih omrežjih, kjer nas lahko kontaktirate, npr. Facebook, Instagram ali LinkedIn.
Našo Facebook stran vzdržujemo na platformi Facebook, ki jo upravlja Facebook Ireland Ltd., 4 Grand Canal Square, D2 Dublin, Irska (»Facebook«). Na strani vas obveščamo o naših storitvah, akcijah in zaposlitvenih priložnostih. Poleg tega radi uporabljamo zmogljivosti Facebooka za neposredno komunikacijo s člani, našimi zaposlenimi, kandidati in prijavitelji, našimi strankami in potencialnimi strankami.
Upoštevajte pa, da imamo le malo vpliva na obdelavo osebnih podatkov s strani Facebooka. Ko obiščete stran se lahko vaši podatki obdelujejo tudi v državah izven Evropske unije, kjer je stopnja varstva podatkov nižja kot v Evropski uniji (npr. v ZDA). Če pa Facebook prenese podatke ameriškemu podjetju Facebook Inc. ali drugim podjetjem zunaj Evrope je Facebook sprejel pogodbene varnostne ukrepe za zagotovitev skladnosti z evropskimi načeli varstva podatkov. Pri obdelavi osebnih podatkov zunaj Evrope pa se lahko v posameznih primerih zgodi, da pravic državljanov EU ni mogoče ali ni mogoče v celoti uveljaviti, npr. ko ameriške obveščevalne agencije ali varnostni organi shranjujejo in analizirajo podatke. Zato vas prosimo, da natančno preverite, katere osebne podatke delite prek Facebooka, in v primeru dvoma uporabite druge kontaktne možnosti, ki jih ponujamo.
Od Facebooka lahko prejmemo tudi statistične podatke o uporabi naše prisotnosti v družabnih omrežjih (npr. podrobnosti o številu ogledov, interakcijah, kot so všečki in komentarji, ter povzetke demografskih in drugih informacij ali statistik).
Pravna podlaga je člen 6 (1) (b) Splošne uredbe o varstvu podatkov (»GDPR«), če prejmemo in obdelujemo vaše podatke v okviru posebne zahteve prek naše prisotnosti v družbenih medijih in je člen 6 (1) (f) GDPR na podlagi našega zgoraj omenjenega zakonitega interesa, če se obdelava nanaša na ustvarjanje omenjene statistike.
Dodatne informacije o vrsti in obsegu te statistike so na voljo tudi v
information on Facebook page statistics. Dodatne informacije o posameznih odgovornostih so na voljo v Facebook Page Controller Addendum .
V kolikor prejemamo vaše osebne podatke v okviru naše ponudbe družbenih medijev, npr. če nam pišete sporočila na Facebooku ste upravičeni do pravic v zvezi s tem kot je navedeno v tem obvestilu (glejte tudi spodnji razdelek z naslovom »Soglasje in vaše pravice glede varstva podatkov"). Če želite svoje pravice uveljavljati tudi pred Facebookom je to najlažje storiti tako, da se neposredno obrnete na Facebook. Facebook je seznanjen s podrobnostmi tehničnega delovanja lastne platforme in tudi s posebne namene obdelave podatkov in lahko na zahtevo izvede ustrezne ukrepe, če uveljavljate svoje pravice. Kontaktni podatki so na voljo v Facebook Data Policy. Svoje pravice lahko zaščitite tudi prek online form from Facebook.
Z veseljem vas bomo podprli pri uveljavljanju vaših pravic, če bomo to lahko storili in bomo vaša vprašanja posredovali Facebooku. Za to lahko kadarkoli uporabite spodaj navedene kontaktne podatke.
Instagram je platforma družbenih medijev, ki jo ponuja Facebook Ireland Ltd., 4 Grand Canal Square, D2 Dublin, Irska (»Facebook«). Na našem profilu predstavljamo vsebine povezane z našimi produktnimi novostmi, storitvami in akcijami. Poleg tega uporabljamo funkcije Instagrama za komunikacijo z uporabniki tam, ko na primer delimo vsebino ali jo komentiramo.
Upoštevajte, da je Instagram tesno povezan s socialnim omrežjem Facebook in uporablja isto infrastrukturo ter uporablja tudi podatke o uporabi računov Instagram ali interakciji z vsebino na Instagramu za nadaljnji razvoj drugih izdelkov in storitev Facebooka ter omogočanje nemotene uporabniške izkušnje na obeh platformah. Podatki se uporabljajo tudi za personalizacijo oglasov na Facebooku in Instagramu ter za omogočanje naročnikom oglaševanja določenim ciljnim skupinam.
Imamo le določen vpliv na obdelavo podatkov, ki jo izvaja Facebook. Prejmemo samo podatke, ki nam jih pošljete pri uporabi Instagrama ali jih delite z nami (npr. vaše uporabniško ime, če komentirate našo vsebino). Ko obiščete naš profil ali komunicirate z našo vsebino se lahko vaši podatki obdelujejo tudi v državah zunaj Evropske unije, kjer je raven varstva podatkov nižja kot v Evropski uniji (npr. v Združenih državah). ). Če pa Facebook prenese podatke ameriškemu podjetju Facebook Inc. ali drugim podjetjem zunaj Evrope je Facebook sprejel pogodbene varnostne ukrepe za zagotovitev skladnosti z evropskimi načeli varstva podatkov. Pri obdelavi osebnih podatkov zunaj Evrope pa se lahko v posameznih primerih zgodi, da pravic državljanov EU ni mogoče ali ni mogoče v celoti uveljaviti, npr. ko varnostni organi ZDA shranjujejo in analizirajo podatke. Zato vas prosimo, da natančno preverite katere osebne podatke in novice delite preko Instagrama.
Od Facebooka lahko prejmemo tudi statistične podatke o uporabi našega profila na Instagramu (npr. podrobnosti o številu ogledov in interakcij, kot so všečki in komentarji ter povzete demografske in druge informacije ali statistike).
Pravna podlaga je člen 6 (1) (f) GDPR, ki temelji na našem zakonitem interesu za predstavitev našega podjetja ter naših izdelkov in kampanj, če se obdelava nanaša na ustvarjanje omenjene statistike.
Dodatne informacije o obdelavi podatkov s strani Facebooka v okviru uporabe Instagrama so na voljo v Instagram Data Policy. Obveznosti varstva podatkov, ki jih izpolnjuje Facebook so navedene tam in Instagram Terms of Use. Instagram je Facebook product in dodatne informacije o posameznih odgovornostih so na voljo v Facebook Page Controller Addendum .
V kolikor prejmemo vaše osebne podatke v okviru našega Instagram profila ste upravičeni do pravic v zvezi z njimi, kot je navedeno v tem obvestilu (glejte tudi spodnji razdelek z naslovom "Privolitev in vaše pravice glede varstva podatkov"). Če tudi vi želite uveljavljati svoje pravice proti Facebooku je najlažji način, da se obrnete neposredno na Facebook. Facebook je seznanjen s podrobnostmi tehničnega delovanja lastne platforme kot tudi s posebnimi nameni obdelave podatkov in lahko na zahtevo izvede ustrezne ukrepe, če uveljavljate svoje pravice.Kontaktni podatki so na voljo v Instagram Data Policy. Svoje pravice lahko zaščitite tudi prek online form from Facebook.
Z veseljem vas bomo podprli pri uveljavljanju vaših pravic, če bomo to lahko storili in bomo vaša vprašanja posredovali Facebooku. Za to lahko kadarkoli uporabite spodaj navedene kontaktne podatke.
Vzdržujemo profil podjetja na LinkedInu, preko katerega poleg prostih delovnih mest objavljamo tudi članke o projektih, produktnih inovacijah, naših storitvah in akcijah. Poleg tega uporabljamo zmogljivosti LinkedIna za neposredno komunikacijo s člani, našimi strankami in potencialnimi strankami ter za skupno rabo vsebine. Za uporabnike v Evropskem gospodarskem prostoru in Švici LinkedIn zagotavlja LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company, Wilton Place, Dublin 2, Irska (»LinkedIn«).
Odgovorni smo za lastno vsebino v profilu našega podjetja in za informacije, ki jih posredujemo. LinkedIn zagotavlja tehnično platformo in infrastrukturo za socialno omrežje. Ko komunicirate z nami na LinkedInu se lahko vaši podatki obdelujejo tudi v državah zunaj Evropske unije, kjer je raven varstva podatkov nižja kot v Evropski uniji (npr. v Združenih državah). Če pa LinkedIn prenese podatke podjetjem zunaj Evrope, je LinkedIn sprejel pogodbene previdnostne ukrepe za zagotovitev skladnosti z evropskimi načeli varstva podatkov. Pri obdelavi osebnih podatkov zunaj Evrope pa se lahko v posameznih primerih zgodi, da pravic državljanov EU ni mogoče ali ni mogoče v celoti uveljaviti, npr. ko varnostni organi ZDA shranjujejo in analizirajo podatke.
Zato vas prosimo, da skrbno preverite katere osebne podatke in novice delite prek LinkedIna in v primeru dvoma uporabite druge kontaktne možnosti, ki jih nudimo.
Od LinkedIna lahko prejmemo tudi statistične podatke o uporabi naše prisotnosti v družbenih medijih (npr. podrobnosti o številu ogledov člankov in objav, interakcijah, kot so všečki in komentarji, ter povzete demografske in druge podatke, kot so združeni podatki o položajih in lokacije sledilcev in članov skupine ali druge statistike).
Pravna podlaga je člen 6 (1) (b) GDPR, če prejmemo in obdelujemo vaše podatke v okviru posebne zahteve prek naše prisotnosti v družabnih medijih in je člen 6 (1) (f) GDPR, ki temelji na našem zgoraj omenjenem zakonitem interesu, če obdelava zadeva ustvarjanje omenjene statistike.
Dodatne informacije o vrsti in obsegu te statistike so na voljo tudi v LinkedIn’s privacy policy (tam: razdelek 2.8: »Zbirni vpogledi«) in na povezavi LinkedIn Help. Dodatne informacije o posameznih odgovornostih so na voljo v Page Insights Joint Controller Addendum.
V kolikor prejemamo vaše osebne podatke v okviru naše ponudbe družbenih medijev, npr. če nam pišete sporočila prek LinkedIna (npr. prek funkcije Sporočila), ste upravičeni do pravic v zvezi s tem kot je navedeno v tem obvestilu (glejte tudi spodnji razdelek z naslovom "Privolitev in vaše pravice glede varstva podatkov"). Če želite svoje pravice uveljavljati tudi proti LinkedInu je najlažji način, da se obrnete neposredno na LinkedIn. LinkedIn je seznanjen s podrobnostmi tehničnega delovanja lastne platforme kot tudi s posebnimi nameni obdelave podatkov in lahko na zahtevo izvede ustrezne ukrepe, če uveljavljate svoje pravice. Kontaktni podatki za LinkedIn so na voljo v LinkedIn’s privacy policy (tam: razdelek 5.5, »Kontaktni podatki«).
Z veseljem vas bomo podprli pri uveljavljanju vaših pravic, če bomo to lahko storili in bomo poizvedbe, ki zadevajo tudi nas posredovali na LinkedIn. Za to lahko kadarkoli uporabite spodaj navedene kontaktne podatke.
Brez vašega ločenega soglasja bodo vsi osebni podatki, ki jih posredujete na družbenih medijih družbe Transcom uporabljeni samo za namen za katerega ste jih posredovali (npr. za odgovarjanje na vprašanja, prijavo na delovno mesto) kot tudi za tehnično administracijo. Če se od vas zahteva soglasje za dodatno uporabo je to soglasje vedno prostovoljno in ga lahko kadarkoli znova prekličete za v prihodnje. V teh primerih je pravna podlaga za obdelavo podatkov privolitev v skladu s členom 6(1)(a) GDPR.
Poleg tega lahko kadarkoli ugovarjate uporabi vaših osebnih podatkov za oglaševanje ali tržne raziskave in ankete ali zahtevate informacije o teh shranjenih podatkih. Prav tako imate možnost, da svoje osebne podatke, ki ste jih shranili pri nas, kadar koli popravimo, blokiramo ali izbrišemo. Prosimo pišite ali pošljite e-pošto na spodaj navedene kontaktne podatke. Upoštevajte, da iz izbrisa izključujemo podatke, ki jih potrebujemo za uveljavljanje naših pravic in zahtevkov. To velja tudi za podatke, ki jih moramo hraniti v skladu z zakonskimi zahtevami. Takšni podatki so blokirani, zato jih je mogoče uporabiti samo za namene za katere jih je treba hraniti.
Če ponudniki storitev navedeni v tem obvestilu obdelujejo vaše podatke zunaj Evropske unije bomo zagotovili, da ti ponudniki pogodbeno ali drugače jamčijo enakovredno raven varstva podatkov kot v Evropski uniji. Kopijo teh garancij lahko zahtevate prek spodaj navedenih kontaktnih podatkov.
Nenazadnje imate tudi pravico zahtevati elektronsko kopijo informacij, ki jih obdelujemo po pogodbi ali na podlagi vašega soglasja (znano kot pravica do prenosljivosti podatkov). Prav tako imate pravico do vložitve pritožbe pri organu za varstvo podatkov.
Za delovno mesto pri Transcomu se lahko prijavite prek naše prisotnosti v družabnih omrežjih, karierne strani ali če se prijavite prek drugih spletnih mest ali zaposlitvenih portalov tretjih oseb.
Za nadaljnje informacije o obdelavi vaših osebnih podatkov med prijavnim postopkom glejte naše Obvestilo prijavitelju o obdelavi podatkov.
Transcom si pridržuje pravico do spremembe tega obvestila kadarkoli brez predhodnega obvestila. Zato priporočamo, da ste o morebitnih spremembah redno obveščeni.
Subjekt Transcom, ki je naveden na zadevni družbeni mreži pod to povezavo je upravljavec v smislu GDPR. Najdete ustrezne kontaktne podatke subjekta Transcom navedenega v zadevni prisotnosti v družbenih medijih ali tukaj […]. Prosimo, da nas kontaktirate na communications@transcom.com razen če so na voljo drugi kontaktni podatki v ustreznem družbenem omrežju.
Za druga vprašanja v zvezi z varstvom podatkov pri Transcomu se obrnite na našo pooblaščeno osebo za varstvo podatkov na dpo@transcom.com.
Transcom maintains online presences in social media to communicate with customers, potential applicants, and other interested parties, and to inform them about our products and services, and job openings.
In the following (“Notice”), we would like to inform you about the processing of your data in connection with our social media presence as well as about your rights in this regard. We are represented with our own social media presence in various social networks where you can contact us, e.g. Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn.
We maintain our Facebook Page on the Facebook platform operated by Facebook Ireland Ltd., 4 Grand Canal Square, D2 Dublin, Ireland (“Facebook”). On the Page, we inform you about our services, campaigns and job opportunities. We additionally like to use Facebook’s capabilities to communicate directly there with members, our employees, candidates and applicants, our customers and prospective customers.
Please note, however, that we have only little influence on the processing of personal data by Facebook. When you visit the Page, your data may also be processed in countries outside of the European Union where there is a lower level of data protection compared to that in the European Union (e.g., in the United States). However, if Facebook transfers data to the US company Facebook Inc. or other companies outside Europe, Facebook has undertaken contractual precautions to ensure compliance with the European data protection principles. However, when processing personal data outside of Europe, it may in individual cases be the case that the rights of EU citizens cannot or cannot fully be enforced, e.g. when US intelligence agencies or security authorities store and analyze data. Therefore, please check carefully what personal information you share via Facebook and, in case of doubt, use other contact options that we provide.
We may also receive statistics from Facebook on the use of our social media presence (e.g., details on the number of views, interactions such as likes and comments as well as summarized demographic and other information or statistics).
The legal basis is Article 6 (1) (b) General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) if we receive and process your data within the context of a specific request via our social media presence and is Article 6 (1) (f) GDPR based on our aforementioned legitimate interest if the processing concerns the creation of the statistics mentioned.
Further information on the type and scope of these statistics is also available in the information on Facebook page statistics. Further information on the respective responsibilities is available in the Facebook Page Controller Addendum .
Insofar as we receive your personal data within the framework of our social media offering, e.g., if you write messages to us on Facebook, you are entitled to the rights relating thereto as stated in this Notice (see also the section below entitled “Consent and your rights regarding data protection”). If you also want to assert your rights against Facebook, the easiest way to do so is to contact Facebook directly. Facebook is familiar with the details of the technical operation of its own platform as well as with the specific purposes of the data processing and can implement corresponding measures upon request if you exercise your rights. The contact details are available in the Facebook Data Policy. You can also safeguard your rights via an online form from Facebook.
We would gladly support you in asserting your rights if we are able to do so, and will forward your inquiries to Facebook. You can use the contact details provided below for this at any time.
Instagram is a social media platform provided by Facebook Ireland Ltd., 4 Grand Canal Square, D2 Dublin, Ireland (“Facebook”). On our profile, we present content in relation to our product innovations, services and campaigns. We additionally use the Instagram functions to communicate with users there, e.g., when we share content or comment on it.
Please bear in mind that Instagram is closely associated with the Facebook social network and uses the same infrastructure and also uses information on the use of Instagram accounts or the interaction with content on Instagram to further develop other products and services of Facebook and to enable a seamless user experience on both platforms. The data is also used to personalize advertisements on Facebook and Instagram and to enable advertising clients to advertise to certain target groups.
We have only little influence on the data processing carried out by Facebook. We receive only the data that you send to us when using Instagram or that you share with us (e.g., your user name if you comment on our content). When you visit our profile or interact with our content, your data may also be processed in countries outside of the European Union where there is a lower level of data protection compared to that in the European Union (e.g., in the United States). ). However, if Facebook transfers data to the US company Facebook Inc. or other companies outside Europe, Facebook has undertaken contractual precautions to ensure compliance with the European data protection principles. However, when processing personal data outside of Europe, it may in individual cases be the case that the rights of EU citizens cannot or cannot fully be enforced, e.g. when US security authorities store and analyze data. Therefore, please check carefully what personal information and news you share via Instagram.
We may also receive statistics from Facebook on the use of our Instagram profile (e.g., details on the number of views and interactions such as likes and comments as well as summarized demographic and other information or statistics).
The legal basis is article 6 (1) (f) GDPR based on our legitimate interest to present our company and our products and campaigns if the processing relates to the creation of the said statistics.
Further information on data processing by Facebook within the scope of using Instagram is available in the Instagram Data Policy. The data protection obligations fulfilled by Facebook are set out there and in the Instagram Terms of Use. Instagram is a Facebook product and further information on the respective responsibilities is available in the Facebook Page Controller Addendum .
Insofar as we receive your personal data within the framework of our Instagram profile, you are entitled to the rights relating thereto as stated in this Notice (see also the section below entitled “Consent and your rights regarding data protection”). If you also want to assert your rights against Facebook, the easiest way to do so is to contact Facebook directly. Facebook is familiar with the details of the technical operation of its own platform as well as with the specific purposes of the data processing and can implement corresponding measures upon request if you exercise your rights. The contact details are available in the Instagram Data Policy. You can also safeguard your rights via an online form from Facebook.
We would gladly support you in asserting your rights if we are able to do so, and will forward your inquiries to Facebook. You can use the contact details provided below for this at any time.
We maintain a company profile on LinkedIn via which we publish not only job vacancies but also articles on projects, product innovations, our services and campaigns. We additionally use the capabilities of LinkedIn to communicate directly there with members, our customers and prospective customers, as well as to share content. For users in the European Economic Area and Switzerland, LinkedIn is provided by LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company, Wilton Place, Dublin 2, Ireland (“LinkedIn”).
We are responsible for our own content in our company profile and for information shared by us. LinkedIn provides the technical platform and infrastructure for the social network. When you communicate with us on LinkedIn, your data may also be processed in countries outside of the European Union where there is a lower level of data protection compared to that in the European Union (e.g., in the United States). However, if LinkedIn transfers data to companies outside Europe, LinkedIn has undertaken contractual precautions to ensure compliance with the European data protection principles. However, when processing personal data outside of Europe, it may in individual cases be the case that the rights of EU citizens cannot or cannot fully be enforced, e.g. when US security authorities store and analyze data. Therefore, please check carefully what personal information and news you share via LinkedIn and, in the case of doubt, use other contact options that we provide.
We may also receive statistics from LinkedIn on the use of our social media presence (e.g., details on the number of views of articles and posts, interactions such as likes and comments as well as summarized demographic and other information such as aggregated information on the positions and locations of the followers and group members or other statistics).
The legal basis is Article 6 (1) (b) GDPR if we receive and process your data within the context of a specific request via our social media presence and is Article 6 (1) (f) GDPR based on our aforementioned legitimate interest if the processing concerns the creation of the statistics mentioned.
Further information on the type and scope of these statistics is also available in LinkedIn’s privacy policy (there: section 2.8: “Aggregate Insights”) and in the associated LinkedIn Help. Further information on the respective responsibilities is available in the Page Insights Joint Controller Addendum.
Insofar as we receive your personal data within the framework of our social media offering, e.g., if you write messages to us via LinkedIn (e.g., via the Messaging function), you are entitled to the rights relating thereto as stated in this Notice (see also the section below entitled “Consent and your rights regarding data protection”). If you also want to assert your rights against LinkedIn, the easiest way to do so is to contact LinkedIn directly. LinkedIn is familiar with the details of the technical operation of its own platform as well as with the specific purposes of the data processing and can implement corresponding measures upon request if you exercise your rights. The LinkedIn contact details are available in LinkedIn’s privacy policy (there: section 5.5, “Contact Information”).
We would gladly support you in asserting your rights if we are able to do so, and will forward inquiries that also concern us to LinkedIn. You can use the contact details provided below for this at any time.
Without your separate consent, all of the personal data that you supply on Transcom’s social media presence will be used only for the purpose for which you provided it (e.g., for answering queries, applying for a job), as well as for technical administration. If you are asked to consent to an additional use, this consent is always voluntary and you can withdraw it again at any time with effect for the future. In these cases, the legal basis for data processing is the consent pursuant to Article 6 (1) (a) GDPR.
Furthermore, you may, at any time, object to your personal data being used for advertising or for market research and surveys, or request information about this stored data. You also have the option of having your personal data that you have stored with us corrected, blocked or deleted at any time. Please write or send an e-mail to the contact details provided below. Please note that we exclude data from deletion that we require for enforcing our rights and claims. This also applies to data we must keep in accordance with legal requirements. Such data is blocked so it can only be used for the purposes for which it needs to be retained.
If the service providers named in this Notice process your data outside the European Union, we will ensure that these providers guarantee contractually or otherwise an equivalent level of data protection to that of the European Union. You can request a copy of these guarantees via the contact details provided below.
Finally, you are also entitled to request an electronic copy of the information that we process under a contract or on the basis of your consent (known as the right to data portability). You also have the right to lodge a complaint with a data protection authority.
You can apply for a position at Transcom via our social media presences, careers page or if you apply via other, third party sites or job portals.
For further information about the processing of your personal data during the application process please refer to our Applicant Notice on Data Processing.
Transcom reserves the right to change this Notice at any time without prior notice. We therefore recommend that you regularly keep up to date with any potential changes.
Transcom Worldwide d.o.o. with the office in Osijek, Vukovarska cesta 31 (“Transcom” or “we”) is the data controller with respect to the data processing activities detailed in this Notice. Unless other contact details are provided in the respective social media presence, please do not hesitate to contact us at communications@transcom.com.
For other questions in relation to data protection at Transcom, please do not hesitate to contact our Data Protection Officer at dpo@transcom.com.