11 July 2016

Transcom signs agreement with Scandic Hotels to provide multilingual reservation services

Stockholm, 11 July 2016

Transcom WorldWide AB (publ) today announced that the company has signed a renewed agreement with Scandic Hotels, the largest hotel operator in the Nordic region. Since 2007, Transcom provides reservation services for Scandic’s customers in Sweden. The new agreement represents a significant expansion of the existing business relationship, comprising services delivered in Swedish, Danish, Finnish and Norwegian. Transcom is Scandic Hotels’ sole partner for reservation services in these four Nordic markets.

Service in all four languages will be delivered by agents based at Transcom’s multilingual contact center in Borås, Sweden.

“I am very pleased to announce this extended partnership with Scandic Hotels, which I believe is testimony to Transcom’s service quality, efficiency and, not least, our sales performance, which helps to generate additional revenue for our client”, commented Henrik Olsson, Country Manager Sweden.

For further information, please contact:

Henrik Olsson, Country Manager Sweden
Telephone +46 70 776 80 02

Johan Eriksson, President and CEO
Telephone +46 70 776 80 22

Stefan Pettersson, Head of Group Communications
Telephone +46 70 776 80 88