“Transcom has passed a milestone. In response to the Covid-19 pandemic, more than half of our employees have moved to a work at home model. And we have accomplished this in just three weeks. This is a truly remarkable achievement by our people”, says Jonas Dahlberg, CEO of Transcom.
Transcom has two critical missions in the Covid-19 pandemic. First and foremost, to keep Transcom’s employees safe and avoid further transmission of the virus. Secondly, to contribute to keep society up and running, by ensuring continuity of service to our clients.
Through work at home (WAH), Transcom delivers on both missions. WAH also allows Transcom to provide a safer work environment in our traditional site-based delivery, by increasing the personal distance for employees.
“Most of our clients deliver services without physical interactions, and are experiencing an increased need for customer support. As country after country goes into lockdown, having work at home agents becomes crucial. And to support our ongoing recruitment needs, our recruitment process and onboarding is now a complete virtual experience”, says Jonas Dahlberg, and continues:
“I would like to thank all Transcom employees for their enormous commitment. And I want to thank our clients for your flexibility. Together, we keep our people safe and the wheels turning.”
WAH is a well-established delivery model within Transcom, earlier this year recognized as a global top-20 WAH employer. Transcom is currently the only COPC certified WAH provider in the world. These capabilities have been very valuable when mobilizing for the Covid-19 pandemic.
“Our first priority has been to rapidly WAH-enable our traditional brick and mortar operations. As we begin to emerge from that phase, we are supporting our clients’ increasing desire to further WAH-enable their customer experience deployments. With over 14 years of experience in the space, we at Transcom know that WAH capability is not only crucial to securing continuous operations during the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, but is also a compelling and sustainable delivery model for high quality and unmatched agility during normal circumstances,” says Aaron Favara, SVP Global Accounts & Virtual Work.