09 August 2023

Digital customer experience: everything to know in 2023.

Infographic showing digital CX

In today's digital landscape, customer experience (CX) has become a top priority for businesses across all industries. Companies are increasingly turning to technology to provide the highest quality user experiences and foster lasting relationships with customers. As the demand for personalized and connected digital experiences rises, so too does the importance of understanding what goes into creating a successful digital customer service strategy.

In this article, we'll provide an in-depth look at the growing trend of digital customer experience and the strategies businesses must adopt if they want to stay competitive in 2023.

We'll explore the growing importance of CX, what digital customer service looks like, and how to best design journeys for long-term success. We'll then take an inside look at digital customer service best practices and some of the top tools available to businesses, including AI-powered tools, cutting-edge translation solutions, automation, unifying omnichannel platforms, and more.

Finally, we'll discuss how leveraging data can help businesses continuously improve their digital customer experience strategies and create personalized experiences tailored to each individual customer. Let's get into digital.  

What is digital customer experience?

Digital CX is a term used to describe the customer experience when engaging with digital media such as websites, applications, and social networks. It focuses on providing customers with an enjoyable, efficient, and interactive journey from start to finish. It is the totality of all interactions your customers have with your brand online. It may include the design of websites and apps, user experience (UX) elements, content marketing, digital communication channels, and customer service.

An effective digital CX strategy should focus on creating an enjoyable journey for customers when they interact with your brand online. This involves maintaining a unified presence across all platforms, ensuring easy access to relevant information, and providing sufficient support. All of this influences the customer's perception of your brand and business. 

Creating a digital customer experience strategy also requires finding the right balance between automation and human interaction. Automation tools such as chatbots can take care of routine tasks, freeing up customer service agents to deal with more complicated issues on a personal level. However, it's important to keep the conversation professional yet personable in order to create a positive impression on customers.

Ultimately, an effective digital CX should be designed with the customer at the center. By understanding their needs and making sure they are met, you can build greater customer loyalty and satisfaction. With the right voice and tone, your digital customer experience will become a true competitive advantage. 

Digital CX vs CX.

When talking about the differences between the two, it is necessary to point out that all digital customer experience is CX since it is an umbrella term.

Digital customer experience is a relatively new concept, but one that can make a huge difference to your business. It is defined as the use of digital technology to deliver services and support to customers. This includes having an online presence, offering automated self-help tools, and providing interactive chatbot experiences.

The biggest difference between digital and traditional customer service is the level of personalization. With digital customer experience, companies are able to use data and technology to customize interactions with customers based on their preferences. For example, they can deliver targeted content depending on a customer’s location or provide tailored advice based on their past purchases.

The focus in digital CX is also shifting towards creating positive experiences for customers. Companies are beginning to understand that customer satisfaction isn't just about getting their issue resolved, but also providing them with a delightful experience. This includes everything from having an intuitive mobile app and seamless checkout process to personalizing a customer’s web browsing journey. 

Digital CX mix-ups.

There are some common misconceptions about digital customer experience which can seriously affect the way you look at it and the way you implement it into your business. We’d like to clear up these mix-ups to ensure you have the best possible starting point with digital customer experience.

Customers actively think about digital.

This might seem counterintuitive but the truth is that most people don’t focus on the digital aspect in and of itself. Most companies think it is enough to have a website or an app and that’s it because customers want to use digital. The simple fact is that customers go for what’s most convenient and, at this point, that’s digital channels and touchpoints. 

That means that you might see lower traffic on your website or app and come to the conclusion that digital touchpoints aren’t that important. The real situation is that due to the nature of your website or app, your customers don’t find them convenient enough to use. At the end of the day, we have all abandoned carts due to a website being not at all user-friendly. 

On the other hand, businesses set up haphazard and placeholder sites and apps just to have a digital presence which can severely damage the brand by appearing amateurish. This lowers the positive sentiment and trust that your customers have in your business. That’s why it’s important to create an excellent digital customer experience to have a presence and to also create a positive impact with that presence. Digital CX is an essential and powerful tool and should be treated as such.

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You should focus on conversions.

A second big misconception is that digital CX is here to just boost sales, and that if sales are not changing by some drastic amount that that means that the strategy isn’t working. Businesses that view digital customer experience like this are missing a really big part of the wider picture. 

You should use digital customer experience to boos customer loyalty and satisfaction. The focus should be on creating a great experience by providing excellent customer service. This will in turn boost sales and the number of repeat customers, but the main thing is to keep your existing customers happy and satisfied.

Digital CX is of no use for brick-and-mortar.

The put it bluntly, there are no more strictly digital and non-digital businesses. The line between them is blurring fast and it’s only getting faster. It has become a necessity to have a good online presence via at least a couple of touchpoints. 

Businesses are now rarely taken seriously if they do not have a digital presence. We look for reviews online, menus, prices, compare competitors, etc. not only before we’ve stepped into the building, but before we even step out of our homes. Basic info has become a must, but apart from that, nearly all businesses can benefit from ads online, at least. 

Why is digital customer experience important?

In the digital age, customer experience has become increasingly important to businesses. It is no longer enough for a company to simply provide good products and services; they must also create an engaging, personalized customer journey in order to remain competitive. Digital customer experience offers customers an interactive, personalised experience that is tailored to their needs.

Good digital CX should be designed with the customer in mind. It is important to create a journey that is simple, easy-to-navigate and enjoyable for customers. This means providing useful information and relevant content quickly and conveniently, as well as offering an efficient way for customers to get in touch and receive support when needed.

Digital CX also offers businesses the opportunity to collect valuable data about customers. This data can be leveraged to provide improved customer service and create more targeted marketing campaigns. Companies can use collected data to personalize their interactions with customers, providing a better overall experience that leads to improved customer loyalty.

In addition, good digital CX helps brands build trust and credibility among customers and potential customers. By providing an efficient, user-friendly experience, brands can demonstrate that they understand customer needs and take them into account when creating digital experiences. This builds trust and loyalty over time, leading to increased customer satisfaction. And we all know that happy and satisfied customers are returning customers. 

What does a good digital CX strategy look like?

A good digital customer experience strategy will go beyond just providing a great product or service. It is important to create an engaging, interactive and seamless interaction between customers and your business so that they keep coming back.

To achieve this, it starts with understanding the needs of your target audiences. This involves research into their preferences, demographics, lifestyle choices, and more. This helps you to create a customer journey that is tailored to their specific needs and desires.

Communication must also be taken into consideration when formulating an effective digital customer experience strategy. This includes how content is presented on your website, in emails or other marketing material, as well as how quickly customers can get answers to their questions. It's also important to remember that customers want to feel seen, valued and appreciated throughout their customer journey. This is where personalization plays a key role in enhancing the CX strategy.

In addition, businesses should focus on creating an emotional connection with their customers' experiences. This includes elements such as visuals, storytelling and design features that help create a more immersive experience for customers.

The goal of a successful digital CX strategy should be to provide customers with an enjoyable, productive and satisfying process that encourages them to return again and again. 

How to improve your digital customer experience?

Digital customer experience is becoming increasingly important in the modern business landscape. With customers having more access to options than ever before, and with a range of devices available for them to keep up with their daily lives, businesses need to make sure they stand out from the crowd. Creating an engaging digital customer experience can be the difference between closing a sale or losing out to the competition.

When it comes to improving your digital customer experience, there are a few important considerations to keep in mind. Firstly, ensure that your website is optimized for mobile devices and has fast loading times. This helps create an enjoyable time from the start, as customers will be able to access the information they need quickly and easily.

From focusing on your customers' journey to optimizing your customer service strategy, there are a number of steps businesses can take to ensure they are delivering the best possible digital experience. Furthermore, companies should look for ways to make their customers feel valued by offering personalized services or even incentivizing them with discounts and rewards.

At its core, digital customer experience is about understanding what customers want and making sure that you deliver it. By taking the time to analyze your customer data and use the insights to improve upon your existing strategy, you can ensure that you are providing a service that is tailored to their needs.

Make your customer's life easier.

The first thing that should be done to create a good digital customer experience is to make sure you allow the customer to reach out in their preferred channel and preferred touchpoint. This means that they should not be limited to a phone call and a desktop-only website.

An omnichannel approach is the best way to ensure that customers have access to an array of options on different platforms and devices. With an omnichannel experience, customers can interact with your business on mobile phones, laptops, tablets, and more. They also have the freedom to switch between touchpoints at any time without having to start their journey from scratch every time they switch platforms.

Infographic showing tips for great digital CX

An omnichannel approach also allows businesses to offer customers a consistent, seamless experience regardless of the device or channel used. Customers can pick up where they left off, no matter which platform they use, and there is no need for them to repeat any information that was already provided in order to access support. This saves customers time and hassle and ultimately creates a better digital customer experience.

Furthermore, an omnichannel approach helps businesses to gain valuable insights into their customers' journeys. Businesses can track customer behavior across platforms and touchpoints, identify any potential pain points in the customer journey, and optimize experiences accordingly. This way, businesses can ensure that they are providing customers with the best possible digital experience.

Data, data, data.

Data collection and analysis not only help businesses better understand each customer’s individual needs but also provide valuable insights into customer behaviors. This understanding can then be used to create personalized experiences tailored to each customer’s preferences and needs. Additionally, data can be used to identify patterns in buying behavior or potential areas for improvement.

Analyzing data also helps businesses stay ahead of the competition by providing them with an understanding of customers’ needs and desires. Knowing what customers need ensures that businesses are providing the best possible digital customer experience, which in turn encourages brand engagement and loyalty.

It’s clear that collecting and analyzing data is essential for any business looking to improve their digital customer experiences. With the right information, companies can create tailored experiences for each individual customer and ultimately ensure that their digital cx is the best it can be.

Through the use of data collection and analysis, businesses can ensure the highest quality of digital customer experience. This is achieved by understanding customers, tailoring experiences to their individual needs, and staying ahead of the competition. By utilizing data in this way, businesses can create an engaging and rewarding experience for their customers that will keep them coming back for more. 

Map your customer journey.

Mapping out the digital customer experience is a crucial step in creating an excellent business. This means literally putting yourself into your customer's shoes and taking a look at  what they have to go through to complete any action. By mapping out the entire journey - from initial contact to purchase and beyond - businesses can better understand what their customers need, where they run into obstacles, and how they ultimately feel about the experience.

This level of understanding allows companies to identify opportunities for improvement, from simple optimizations like streamlining processes to more substantial changes such as introducing new products or services. With this insight, businesses can develop tailored strategies to meet their customers’ needs, leading to more successful digital customer experiences.

Mapping out the digital customer experience also helps companies better measure and track progress over time. By tracking different metrics and KPIs, companies can use this information to continually refine and improve their offerings. The work never stops, but it can be easier by utilizing data. 

Ask customers for opinions.

As a business, you know that customers are the lifeblood of your company. It is essential to have a strong relationship with them and understand their needs in order to succeed. To do this, it's important to ask your customers for their opinions and feedback on your products and services.

By setting up surveys and asking customers to provide their feedback, you can get a better understanding of what they think about your company. You can find out what they like and don't like, as well as areas where you need to improve. This is invaluable information that can help you make the necessary changes in order to create an excellent digital customer experience.

Surveys are also an effective way of engaging with your customers and getting them to participate in various activities. For example, you can use surveys to ask customers for their opinions on new products or services. You can also use them to learn more about customer preferences and tastes. This will allow you to tailor your offerings better, increasing customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Overall, collecting feedback from your customers through surveys is an essential part of creating a great digital CX. It helps you gain valuable insights into what customers want and need and allows you to adjust your services accordingly. KPIs like customer satisfaction, net promoter score, and customer effort score are great ways to make sure you’re up to speed with how your business is perceived. This will ensure that customers have the best experience possible when interacting with your brand online. 

What are the benefits of good digital customer experience?

Creating a good digital customer experience is essential for any business that wants to succeed in the modern world. The digital CX is more than just providing excellent service and products. It helps create deeper relationships with customers through personalized experiences, efficient processes, and effective communication.

The end result of a good digital CX is improved customer loyalty, increased sales, and enhanced brand reputation. A good time not only boosts customer satisfaction but also encourages customers to spread the word about their positive experiences.

The bottom line is that creating a positive digital CX can help any business reach its goals. A well-set-up system not only helps to drive more sales and increase customer loyalty, it also helps to protect the company’s reputation and create an emotional connection with customers.

In conclusion.

It’s easy to see how crucial a good digital customer experience is for a business, but keeping track of everything can be quite a challenge. We understand the intricacies of good CX and have developed Omnichannel solutions so that you can have all that you need at your fingertips. If you want to get started with the next chapter for your brand, feel free to contact us or you can always find out more about how Omnichannel can improve your business.